Friday, February 11, 2011


"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of moral crisis, preserved their neutrality.  -Dante

Do you ever take a stand                          Or do you sit on the fence?
When hell's fires are being fanned              Don't allow it at your expense.

And here is the reason why                       this question I ask of you,
'cause Jesus Christ came to die                 to pay our debts come due.

Could you imagine or understand              such a selfless act of love?
His life was given up as planned                 to redeem us to God above.

For Jesus was the only One                      who could save both Gentile and Jew.
When into hell He descended and won      He took Satan's keys away too!

When mistakes you can ill-afford               I am compelled then to ask,
will you stand with the Lord                       and will you finish your task?

If all the hottest places in hell,                    where much pain and torment ensue,
are held for those sinners who fell              will you be one of them too?

A spot for you will be reserved                 if the world alone you've adored,
don't forget you're being observed          and you'll bow before the Lord.

When with Him you must review              each decision to sin you've made.
All the traps you've fell into                      come with a price to be paid.

With moral crisis comes those times         that we are at our worst,
when we commit our most crimes            leaving us the ones being cursed.

If from your path you've swerved            in pursuit of your ultimate goal,
the neutrality that you've preserved         could mean the loss of your soul.

When you chase after those things          of which the Lord has forbade,
you may find that it brings                       those things of which you're afraid.

If the pit of hell's deep darkness             and the putrid stench of it
hold misery no words can express,        why risk that there you'll sit?

When there's eternity in heaven to win    that's not even worth the chance
to live a life that is full of sin                    or even give it a second glance!

Teresa Marie     12/27/09

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