Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hello World!

This is my first post on Blogger.com.  I welcome you into my world.  I will be talking to you about the following: my daily thoughts; life experiences with MS, addictions, abuse, and whatever else comes to mind along the way; in addition to the Christian poetry that write.  I do this all for the glory of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our Almighty Father in heaven.  I pray that you will find whatever you are looking for, whether it's inspiration, comfort, a sympathetic soul or just seeing that there's someone out there who has been in the same boat as you.  Today we will begin with a poem:


I looked for God
                                   on the mountain's peak;
                                                                              alas, He wasn't there.
I looked for Him
                                   in the valley's gorge;
                                                                              yet He wasn't there.
I looked for Him
                                   in the ocean's deep;
                                                                              neither was He there.
I looked for Him
                                   all over the world;
                                                                              but didn't find Him there.

When I started questioning,
                                         doubt took my hand 
                                                                                on the road to despair.
Beckoning me to follow,
                                         and enticing me along
                                                                                 on the road to despair.
Pointing in every direction,
                                         with negative gestures too
                                                                                 on the road to despair.
The ground began to crumble,
                                         as my footing slipped
                                                                                 on the road to despair.

Then I heard a whisper
                                         saying this to me;
                                                                                "Oh, God doesn't care."
I tried not to listen
                                         but it said again;
                                                                                "Oh, God doesn't care."
It got harder to resist
                                         when it said again;
                                                                                "Oh, God doesn't care."
I said, "You're a liar!"
                                         It screamed back at me;
                                                                                 "NO! God doesn't care!!"

And that's when I heard
                                         the Shepherd's voice say,
                                                                                "Child, I was always there."
"But I looked and looked,"
                                         I cried out to Him,
                                                                                "on the road to despair!"
"When I couldn't find You,
                                         I heard the liar say
                                                                                "that You didn't care."
"Maybe you were looking
                                         for the wrong God
                                                                                'cause I AM everywhere!"

Teresa Marie     10/13/10

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