Monday, February 14, 2011

The End

I'm sorry to say that this blog will no longer be used.  I have another blog and why I thought I could keep two of them going, I don't know.  But I can't.  I'm sorry for any inconvenience.  You can catch up with me at  Thanks!

Friday, February 11, 2011


"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of moral crisis, preserved their neutrality.  -Dante

Do you ever take a stand                          Or do you sit on the fence?
When hell's fires are being fanned              Don't allow it at your expense.

And here is the reason why                       this question I ask of you,
'cause Jesus Christ came to die                 to pay our debts come due.

Could you imagine or understand              such a selfless act of love?
His life was given up as planned                 to redeem us to God above.

For Jesus was the only One                      who could save both Gentile and Jew.
When into hell He descended and won      He took Satan's keys away too!

When mistakes you can ill-afford               I am compelled then to ask,
will you stand with the Lord                       and will you finish your task?

If all the hottest places in hell,                    where much pain and torment ensue,
are held for those sinners who fell              will you be one of them too?

A spot for you will be reserved                 if the world alone you've adored,
don't forget you're being observed          and you'll bow before the Lord.

When with Him you must review              each decision to sin you've made.
All the traps you've fell into                      come with a price to be paid.

With moral crisis comes those times         that we are at our worst,
when we commit our most crimes            leaving us the ones being cursed.

If from your path you've swerved            in pursuit of your ultimate goal,
the neutrality that you've preserved         could mean the loss of your soul.

When you chase after those things          of which the Lord has forbade,
you may find that it brings                       those things of which you're afraid.

If the pit of hell's deep darkness             and the putrid stench of it
hold misery no words can express,        why risk that there you'll sit?

When there's eternity in heaven to win    that's not even worth the chance
to live a life that is full of sin                    or even give it a second glance!

Teresa Marie     12/27/09

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's All About You

Dear Father, I search for You         all through the day and night.
Lord Jesus, I pray that You             in this darkness shine Your Light.
Come Holy Spirit, I need You         please give me Your spiritual sight.
For Blessed Trinity, it's in You         I find the courage to fight.

When my soul thirsts for You          within the very depths of me,
I pray the Living Water of You        will fill me full as the sea.
Please satisfy my hunger for You     that from this ache I'm free.
Rain down the Glory of You            to flood my soul with ecstasy.

Help me to strictly follow You         throughout each and every day.
Make all my paths lead to You       where my true salvation lay.
I freely give myself to You              with each morning when I pray.
Always pull me back to You           if ever again I should stray.

'Cause to only live for You             is the greatest of my desire.
May I find my strength in You        especially when I'm  in the fire.
Help my faith be grounded in You  to stand against the earthly liar.
May I have all the trust in You        that my surrender will daily require.

My true happiness begins with You.   It's on You I may always rely.
That my provision comes from You    is the message to the world I cry.
Even though I can't see You              and human logic does it defy,
My faith remains steadfastly in You    right up to the day that I die.

This life begins and ends with You     and we all reap what we sow.
There is no one above You                not in heaven nor on earth below.
Someday I will be with You               when it's off to heaven I go,
Forever to dwell there with You         this I know, that I know, that I know!

Teresa Marie     5/14/09

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Thoughts for Wednesday 2/9/11

I posted a poem last night that I have been working on for a little while called "A Man Of Sorrow".  I had set it aside after first beginning it and forgot all about it.  I found it yesterday when I was looking for some scripture.  It is based on Isaiah 53.  When I first read this chapter, it moved me so much that I knew right then and there that I would have to write something about it.  I think it turned out good, I hope you find in it the same inspiration that I did.  So here are my thoughts for today:

When Jesus was arrested, He was beaten.  When He went before the Sanhedrin, He was beaten, insulted, ridiculed, slapped and spit on.  When He was "punished", He was flogged mercilessly (it would have killed you or I.)  When He was taken to prison, they beat thorns into His head.  His appearance was beyond all recognition.  After all of this, He was still standing!  Then He was made to drag a cross through the streets while they beat Him along the way.  When He finally made it to Golgotha, they nailed Him to the cross and ridiculed Him some more.  And after all of this, just take a moment to let the magnitude of it sink in, what were some of His last words?  "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."  And in a last act of defiance, they pierced Him with a sword!

How can I not love Him?  He died for me!  How can it not break my heart that He would, in His divinity, suffer so greatly for me?  How could I ever doubt that He is the Son of God?  No true human being could have lived through everything that He did in His last hours of earthly life!!  Don't I owe Him something for that?  There's the old saying "a life for a life" that has been used in justification for capital punishment, but doesn't that go both ways?  If you take a life, your life is taken - if you are given your life, shouldn't you give back a life?  Heavy duty questions, what do you think?

Always remember that Jesus died for us because He loves us!
May the love of Christ fill you to overflowing,
Teresa Marie

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Having no attractiveness at all
found about Him in our eyes.
Oh how we did reject Him
for Him did we despise.

A man of sorrow He was
acquainted with the bitterest grief,
we turned our backs on Him
with no offer of any relief.

When it was that He went by,
we all looked the other way.
He was despised and we didn't care
nor had any objection to say.

Though our sorrows weighed Him down
along with the grief He bore,
we thought His troubles the punishment
that His own sin was for.

But it was that wounded
and also bruised was He
for the sins of us alone
that we should then not be.

Chastised so we might have peace,
lashed that we could be healed.
After we strayed so far away,
'twas His fate that was sealed.

We who left the paths of God
for those of our own to follow
cared not of the bitter grief
the Son of Man would swallow.

For the guilt and sins
of each and every one
of us were laid on Him,
God's beloved and faithful Son.

Silent before all the ones
who were condemning Him there,
from prison to trial was led
where no mercy would they declare.

But none among those people
who were there that day
realized it was their sins
for which the Son would pay.

That He would suffer our punishment,
it was us He was dying for,
was going to the grave a criminal
when it was our debt He bore.

Who'd never spoken an evil word,
there was no wrong He'd done,
then was buried and there He layed
God's One and Only Son.

All that my righteous Servant
shall then make many to be
counted as righteous before God
for all of heaven to see!

Teresa Marie   2/8/11   -Based on Isaiah 53

Daily Thoughts

Here's a few offerings for your consideration today:

Who shines a light that is bright enough to pierce through the darkness that permeates our society/world of today?

Who holds up a banner of hope to the hopeless?

Who tells people that everything is going to be alright when their lives are in shambles?

Who will uplift of our heads?

Who?  You?  Me?  Christians?  Jews?  It is all of us bonded together for the glory of the Lord!  Amen?

If not us, with and through our churches/synagogues, then who else is going to do it?  Are we just going to sit back and wait for our Messiah to come while doing nothing to point the way to our brothers and sisters of the world?

How will we stand before Him and answer His question when He asks, "Why didn't you tell them about Me?"

Always remember that Jesus died for us because He loves us,
Teresa Marie

Hello World!

This is my first post on  I welcome you into my world.  I will be talking to you about the following: my daily thoughts; life experiences with MS, addictions, abuse, and whatever else comes to mind along the way; in addition to the Christian poetry that write.  I do this all for the glory of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our Almighty Father in heaven.  I pray that you will find whatever you are looking for, whether it's inspiration, comfort, a sympathetic soul or just seeing that there's someone out there who has been in the same boat as you.  Today we will begin with a poem:


I looked for God
                                   on the mountain's peak;
                                                                              alas, He wasn't there.
I looked for Him
                                   in the valley's gorge;
                                                                              yet He wasn't there.
I looked for Him
                                   in the ocean's deep;
                                                                              neither was He there.
I looked for Him
                                   all over the world;
                                                                              but didn't find Him there.

When I started questioning,
                                         doubt took my hand 
                                                                                on the road to despair.
Beckoning me to follow,
                                         and enticing me along
                                                                                 on the road to despair.
Pointing in every direction,
                                         with negative gestures too
                                                                                 on the road to despair.
The ground began to crumble,
                                         as my footing slipped
                                                                                 on the road to despair.

Then I heard a whisper
                                         saying this to me;
                                                                                "Oh, God doesn't care."
I tried not to listen
                                         but it said again;
                                                                                "Oh, God doesn't care."
It got harder to resist
                                         when it said again;
                                                                                "Oh, God doesn't care."
I said, "You're a liar!"
                                         It screamed back at me;
                                                                                 "NO! God doesn't care!!"

And that's when I heard
                                         the Shepherd's voice say,
                                                                                "Child, I was always there."
"But I looked and looked,"
                                         I cried out to Him,
                                                                                "on the road to despair!"
"When I couldn't find You,
                                         I heard the liar say
                                                                                "that You didn't care."
"Maybe you were looking
                                         for the wrong God
                                                                                'cause I AM everywhere!"

Teresa Marie     10/13/10