Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Thoughts for Wednesday 2/9/11

I posted a poem last night that I have been working on for a little while called "A Man Of Sorrow".  I had set it aside after first beginning it and forgot all about it.  I found it yesterday when I was looking for some scripture.  It is based on Isaiah 53.  When I first read this chapter, it moved me so much that I knew right then and there that I would have to write something about it.  I think it turned out good, I hope you find in it the same inspiration that I did.  So here are my thoughts for today:

When Jesus was arrested, He was beaten.  When He went before the Sanhedrin, He was beaten, insulted, ridiculed, slapped and spit on.  When He was "punished", He was flogged mercilessly (it would have killed you or I.)  When He was taken to prison, they beat thorns into His head.  His appearance was beyond all recognition.  After all of this, He was still standing!  Then He was made to drag a cross through the streets while they beat Him along the way.  When He finally made it to Golgotha, they nailed Him to the cross and ridiculed Him some more.  And after all of this, just take a moment to let the magnitude of it sink in, what were some of His last words?  "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."  And in a last act of defiance, they pierced Him with a sword!

How can I not love Him?  He died for me!  How can it not break my heart that He would, in His divinity, suffer so greatly for me?  How could I ever doubt that He is the Son of God?  No true human being could have lived through everything that He did in His last hours of earthly life!!  Don't I owe Him something for that?  There's the old saying "a life for a life" that has been used in justification for capital punishment, but doesn't that go both ways?  If you take a life, your life is taken - if you are given your life, shouldn't you give back a life?  Heavy duty questions, what do you think?

Always remember that Jesus died for us because He loves us!
May the love of Christ fill you to overflowing,
Teresa Marie

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