Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's All About You

Dear Father, I search for You         all through the day and night.
Lord Jesus, I pray that You             in this darkness shine Your Light.
Come Holy Spirit, I need You         please give me Your spiritual sight.
For Blessed Trinity, it's in You         I find the courage to fight.

When my soul thirsts for You          within the very depths of me,
I pray the Living Water of You        will fill me full as the sea.
Please satisfy my hunger for You     that from this ache I'm free.
Rain down the Glory of You            to flood my soul with ecstasy.

Help me to strictly follow You         throughout each and every day.
Make all my paths lead to You       where my true salvation lay.
I freely give myself to You              with each morning when I pray.
Always pull me back to You           if ever again I should stray.

'Cause to only live for You             is the greatest of my desire.
May I find my strength in You        especially when I'm  in the fire.
Help my faith be grounded in You  to stand against the earthly liar.
May I have all the trust in You        that my surrender will daily require.

My true happiness begins with You.   It's on You I may always rely.
That my provision comes from You    is the message to the world I cry.
Even though I can't see You              and human logic does it defy,
My faith remains steadfastly in You    right up to the day that I die.

This life begins and ends with You     and we all reap what we sow.
There is no one above You                not in heaven nor on earth below.
Someday I will be with You               when it's off to heaven I go,
Forever to dwell there with You         this I know, that I know, that I know!

Teresa Marie     5/14/09

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